Organic and Sustainable Weed Removal
about us
At Valley Organic Weeding we love nature, family, pets, and sustainable living; and offer a quality, professional steam weeding service as an alternative to the accepted and conventional products currently available.
Steam weeding is ideal for residential paths, driveways and garden maintenance, and commercial premises such as schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, playgrounds, and sporting venues.
Valley Organic Weeding utilises the Weedtechnics Satusteam© weed control system to provide a safe and organic way to eradicate weeds naturally. To learn more about the of benefits steam weeding click below.

Fast Acting
See visible results in as little as an hour

Does not harm soil microbes, insects, animals or crops

Controls thousands of grass and weed species
To find out more about our process please read our FAQ’s or contact us below
How does steam weeding work?
The water is heated to 140 degrees C and using a pressurised hose, the unwanted plants or weeds are targeted. The rapid transfer of heat into the cell structure of the weed, causes the cells to seek water or moisture from the root, destroying or damaging the weed by cooking and the root by dehydration.
Most species of weeds can not tolerate heat and die, decay in the soil thus depleting the seed bank.
Does steam work on all weeds?
Steam works on soft wooded, annual and perennial weeds.
What areas are suited to steam weeding?
Steam weeding is ideal for paths, driveways, garden maintenance, around buildings, fence lines, schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, playgrounds, sporting venues, vineyards, waterways, and horse arenas.
Is steam safe to use for earthworms and other soil organisms?
Yes, steam only penetrates 5mm into the soil, earthworms live further down. The steam treated weeds soon become detritus, providing food for soil organisms which helps build a humus layer in the soil.
When is the best time to kill weeds using steam?
As soon as possible after germination is the best time to kill weeds. Usually in spring and autumn. Maintenance weed control can be used at any time and is not dependent on weather conditions. i.e windy. Best results if done two hours before rainfall.
How often do you need to steam weed?
With enough volume, there is some penetration into where the root zone becomes the stem which will kill the weed outright or delay its growth response. To control weeds over a period of a year it is likely that between 3 and 5 applications will be necessary, depending on rainfall and the extent of the weed seed bank.
Does the pressure cause damage or mess?
Steam weeding does not disturb mulch, compact your soil or spray residue on adjacent walls or pathways. The steam does not affect weed mats or black plastic.
Such a safe & non-toxic treatment, happy so far with our results